Sunday, March 8, 2009

A tribute to Charybdys,Chippy and Bart

Chippy (He was upset because he didn't like his photo taken)
Bart ( It was the only photo I could get of him)

Charybdys ( born in October 2003) from Sire Barnard's Cyrex and Dam Barnard's Cyndee

On old years eve at approximately12h30 pm my partner received a call, a call that no animal lover would ever want to receive. The call was from Real Security Solutions (RSS) armed response control room.
In a cold voice the controller turned around to her and said " we just shot your dogs"
According to Aquila there was no sympathy or remorse, just a cold voice.
At the time we were still both at work. Aquila managed to get hold on me a little while later and we both rushed home.
When we got home we didn't have the joy of our dogs jumping up and down, there was just dead silence.
No armed reaction vehicle in sight and neither our dogs.
The whole crime scene had been cleaned up except for the blood marks on the tar road where Charybdys and Chippy were lying.
May they reign in Valhalla with all the other warriors.
When I entered the yard and my dam saw me she came leaping into my arms trembling with fear.
She was the only eye witness and survivor to the whole incident
Will the knowledge of the courts be able to reveal what really happened on the 31st December 2009?
The only eyewitness to the incident
To this day I still don't know the truth.According to spectators (who wish to remain anonymous) RSS security intimidated them when they tried to take photos.


  1. I'm sending a prayer to Justitia hoping the truth will come out and these people are never in a position to commit this kind of crime again!

  2. Thinking on the loss -- love to you Aquila. I love to imagine them free and wild in some veld forever safe, running under the hot African sun.

    Mary LA
